New Park near you- Faith Lane Park Coming Spring 2022

Originally Published

Faith Lane Park Groundbreaking!

Yesterday, we broke ground and laid fresh sod for Faith Lane Park! Faith Lane Park is in the Gay Street Neighborhood of East Baltimore. Now, what were vacant homes next to an old city water park is now the main entrance to the future park. Community leader Ms. Reene, her family and neighbors, and ReBuild Metro came out to celebrate this long-awaited green space. This little pocket park is now an entrance to the larger renovation of this space. Plans include installing landscaping, trees, pathways, fencing, safety lighting, benches, and play areas. Also, this is a project our team has been wanting to take on for nearly 10 years, so we are as excited as the neighborhood to watch it come to life.

Thank you to our trusted partners:

As we’re working on securing enough funding for this project, we wanted to make an important first step to keep up morale. Timeliness is an important factor in our work to establish trust and to keep promises to the communities we serve to ensure their time and energy is well spent. Further, parks are an incredible way to spark reinvestment in a neighborhood by installing a beautiful public asset.

Donate today and watch your gift turn into a beautiful green space for playing, learning, and communing in East Baltimore this Spring 2022!

Similarly, you can about our other most recent groundbreaking here: Greenmount Park Groundbreaking. 


Upton Gateway Parks Groundbreaking!


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