Parks & People is receives funding from The France-Merrick Foundation

Originally Published

Parks & People is proud to announce funding from The France-Merrick Foundation as part of their community and economic development program. Parks & People received $350,000 in support for the Phase II expansion of Henrietta Lacks Educational Park, engineering design for Greenmount Park and renovation for the Cecil Elementary School Play Lot. Each project is tied to our effort to strengthen Black neighborhoods and combat climate change.

We aim to directly address climate change, water quality improvement, heat island impact, community health, and community advancement in disinvested neighborhoods by focusing on the design and construction of state-of-the-art parks, green spaces, and school playgrounds within the “Black Butterfly” communities.

After years of disinvestment and disenfranchisement, many Black Butterfly neighborhoods are disproportionately subject to effects of climate change and lack proven methods to enhance resilience. It is widely held that removing impervious surfaces, vacant buildings, and blighted spaces and building in their stead state-of-the-art green spaces, parks, playgrounds with trees, storm water management plans, and intelligent use of landscaping addresses these issues.

France-Merrick Foundation is a steadfast champion for nonprofits and important initiatives throughout Baltimore, annually providing around $10 Million in funding to Baltimore area organizations. This grant aligns with several of the Foundation’s funding priorities, particularly Community & Economic Development and Environment.

Parks & People is thrilled to be amongst the many activated partners doing the work to improve Baltimore!


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